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About The Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame

In the United States, there are Sports Halls of Fame that honor professional and amateur athletes in football, basketball, track, tennis, baseball and other sports. There are also ethnic halls of fame that recognize outstanding athletes from different groups including Italian, Jewish, Irish and blacks to name a few. But, there was not a single sports hall of fame that would recognize, honor and salute the outstanding accomplishments/achievements and contributions of our Latino/Hispanic Sports Heritage not only from the United States but also those who came to this country from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Central and South America and from the vast talent from the Caribbean Islands. The Latin-American International Sports Hall of Fame/Salon de Ia Fama Latinoamericano del Deporte was organized in Laredo, Texas in 1974. At first it was to celebrate, honor and promote local and regional individuals who had excelled at their particular sport but soon it opened the doors to include National and International Professional Athletes. It also recognizes as Sportsman of the Year individuals who continue to preserve and enhance our Latino culture, values and educational opportunities for our youth and who contribute to the betterment of the City of Laredo and South Texas. There have been since its inception an equal recognition of women athletes inductees. It was important to find role models for our youth and the organizers wanted to include all ages, regardless of sex in their programs. The Latin Hall was also created to promote economic development and stimulate business activity in downtown Laredo when local businesses are contracted to provide services to our inductees, their families and guests who visit Laredo during the annual 3-day welcome reception, media luncheon and induction banquet celebration weekend. Through the years. (1975-2014), and with limited amount of funds the organization has, had the opportunity to help the youth of our community with scholarships and other youth activity fundraisers. Plans are to have a Latin Sports International Hall of Fame Museum (downtown) (soon) which will be a first for the United States and to provide clinics (free of charge) to instruct our youth in different sports.


The Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 1975 to recognize individuals with good and proper standing in the community, high morals and values and who have excelled in sports and/or have contributed to the promotion of sports and goodwill in the Latino community.

Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame

47th Annual Induction Banquet


Rafael Elizondo Escamilla
Entrenador e Historiador de Basquetbol
Rafael Elizondo Escamilla
Entrenador e historiador de basquetbol


"Forjador de Campeonas Municipal, Estatal y Nacional" Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico 1957-2018

Hablar sabre Rafael Elizondo nos Ilevaria largo tiempo, pues en su trayectoria, se marcan los sucesos y anectodas de un ciudadano comun, pues su vida nos indica que es un hombre cuya labor enn pro de la ninez y juventud Mexicana ha marcado profundamente una huella en la historia deportiva, no solo de nuestra ciudad, sino a nivel estatal y naciona I.

Elizondo nacio en Ia poblacion de San Carlos Vallecillo, Nuevo Leon y su vida fue coma cualquier otro nino en el medio rural. Adscrito ya a Ia Escuela Antonio Moreno, empezo su vida en el basquetbol en aquella cancha asfaltica que la institucion contaba formando el dub infantile y juvenile de basquetbol diariamente entrenando a las chiquillas que luego se convirtieron campeonas. Anque inicio originalmente con el atletismo, donde obtuvo grandes premios con deportistas destacados, su passion es el deporte de baloncesto.

Con mas de 142 campeoatos estatales, 120 regionales, 57 campeonatos municipals anuales por calla categoria de primaria, secundaaria, y preparatoria:39 campeonatos de basquetbol institucional ha tenido mas de 228 equipos a quienes ha Ilevado por las filas del triunfo. En 1977, Coach Elizondoestabecio los I lamados”campamentos deportivos”Que se desarol Ian anualmente durante el Verna donde asisten cientos de ninos sin pagar un solo centavo. Son muchos los reconocimientos que se la han otorgado:ingreso al Salon Al Merito Deportitivo a nivel Estatal (Ciudad Victoria); y reconocido por diversos clubes de servicio y ha sido nombrado “Hombre del Año.”

El pasado, gobierno municipal, yen junta del Cabildo y par decision unanime, el gimnacio de la Unidad Deportivo “Benito Juarez” que Ilevara el nombre de “Gimnasio Rafael Elizondo.” Cuando le preguntan que cual ha sido su triunfo mas relevante, as importante, Don Rafael simplemente contesta “al ver a mis alumnas que van par la vida Ilenas de valores que adquirieron durante su formation coma deportista, y que se han convertido en ciudadanas decentes y comprometidas con su patria.” El mejor pago? La sonrisa y el saludo de sus alumnus. Esto no tiene premio ni se puede premiar. El Maestro Rafael Elizondo Escamilla “El Abuelo” ha sembrado en mas de media siglo, con su ejemplo y dedication, lo que es el verdadero amor par el deporte.