Hon. Aldo Tatangelo
Mayor, City of Laredo
"Sportsman of the Year"
Recreation-Health Fitness Centers
Aldo Tatangelo, a long-time Laredo sports enthusiast, is the Latin-American International Sports Hall of Fame (Salon de La Fama Latinoamericano de Deporte) Sportsman of the Year for 2003. Tatangelo is being cited by the Latin Sports organization for his 39 years participating as an athlete, financial contributor, volunteer official in Laredo's sports activities. Tatangelo, native of Rhode Island , moved to Laredo in 1963. He got involved in the Laredo life-style through business and civic organizations. Tatangelo got into the political arena and served as Laredo mayor for 12 years from 1978 to 1990. An amateur boxer as a youngster, Tatangelo, who will be 90 on Sept. 16, believes in staying in physical shape. He played baseball and softball well into his 60's. During Tatangelo's tenure as mayor, the city parks and recreation department was developed, which resulted in the start of construction of several parks for Laredo youth and adult recreation. Also, the Mexican League's Nuevo Laredo Tecolotes became Los Dos Laredos Tecolotes as they started playing 22 of their home games at Laredo's West Martin Field, which is now Veterans Field, in 1985. The binational Tecolotes brought Laredo a lot of national and international publicity because of the notoriety that a baseball team was playing in two countries. Tatangelo has been involved in other youth projets, including the Boys and Girls Scouts and was instrumental in starting the Head Start program. One of the Head Start centers bears his name.