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About The Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame

In the United States, there are Sports Halls of Fame that honor professional and amateur athletes in football, basketball, track, tennis, baseball and other sports. There are also ethnic halls of fame that recognize outstanding athletes from different groups including Italian, Jewish, Irish and blacks to name a few. But, there was not a single sports hall of fame that would recognize, honor and salute the outstanding accomplishments/achievements and contributions of our Latino/Hispanic Sports Heritage not only from the United States but also those who came to this country from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Central and South America and from the vast talent from the Caribbean Islands. The Latin-American International Sports Hall of Fame/Salon de Ia Fama Latinoamericano del Deporte was organized in Laredo, Texas in 1974. At first it was to celebrate, honor and promote local and regional individuals who had excelled at their particular sport but soon it opened the doors to include National and International Professional Athletes. It also recognizes as Sportsman of the Year individuals who continue to preserve and enhance our Latino culture, values and educational opportunities for our youth and who contribute to the betterment of the City of Laredo and South Texas. There have been since its inception an equal recognition of women athletes inductees. It was important to find role models for our youth and the organizers wanted to include all ages, regardless of sex in their programs. The Latin Hall was also created to promote economic development and stimulate business activity in downtown Laredo when local businesses are contracted to provide services to our inductees, their families and guests who visit Laredo during the annual 3-day welcome reception, media luncheon and induction banquet celebration weekend. Through the years. (1975-2014), and with limited amount of funds the organization has, had the opportunity to help the youth of our community with scholarships and other youth activity fundraisers. Plans are to have a Latin Sports International Hall of Fame Museum (downtown) (soon) which will be a first for the United States and to provide clinics (free of charge) to instruct our youth in different sports.


The Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 1975 to recognize individuals with good and proper standing in the community, high morals and values and who have excelled in sports and/or have contributed to the promotion of sports and goodwill in the Latino community.

Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame

47th Annual Induction Banquet


Mr. Beisbol-Tigre Mayor
Fundador Industrias Unidas S.A (IUSA)
Fundador Tigres de Mexico 1955 • Campeones Liga Mexicana
1955-1960 - 1965-1966- 1992
Fundador "Academia de Beisbol Alejo Peralta"
Salon de Ia Fama del Beisbol • Monterrey, Mexico 1983

El Ingeniero Alejo Peralta y Diaz Ceballos, hombre de buen humor, talento, decision, capacidad, energia y gran vision ha sido el mas importante directivo en toda Ia his tori a del beisbol mexicano. Desde muy joven emigro a Ia capital de Ia republica donde hizo sus estudios y fue titulado Ingeniero Mecanico Electrisista. Con mucho esfuerzo y perseverancia en su brillante carrera y con gran vision emprezarial fundo Industrias Unidas S.A. Hoy, conocida como Grupo IUSA, accion con Ia que abrio un nuevo camino para decadas de trabajo interrumpido. Alejo Peralta se aficiono a este hermosa deporte de beisbol en su natal Puebla en el Colegio Jesuita. El bat y Ia pelota significo algo especial y diferente a otros deportes practicados . Peralta fundo el equipo Tigres de Mexico en 1955, afio que gano el primer campeonato en Ia Liga Mexicana. Fiel a sus principios nacionalistas en 1959 inicio Ia revolucion beisbolera de jugar con puro mexicanos en el diamante. El campeonato obtenido en 1960 fue muestra rotunda a todo el mundo que el pelotero mexicano es magnifico tambien. Don Alejo fue el primer directivo en patrocinar escuelas, sucursales y buscadores (scouts) de talento en Mexico. La Academia de Beisbol Alejo Peralta en El Carmen, Nuevo Leon resulto todo un exito y ahora hayamos en las Ligas Mayores a muchos peloteros mexicanos egresados de Ia academia. Los Tigres tambien ganaron campeonatos en 1965-66 y 1992. Reconocimientos que obtuvo por su vision y apoyo al beisbol fueron amplios y variados: En 1967, se le nombro "El Rey del Beisbol;" Ocupo el cargo de Alto Comisionado en Liga Mexicana; Ia primera Encyclopedia del Beisbol Mexicano fue dedicada a el; en 1983, ingreso al Salon de Ia Fama del Beisbol Mexicano; el Consejo de Estado de Ia Republica Cubana le otorgo Ia distincion "Martires de Barbados" por su contribucion al desarrollo de los equipos y peloteros mexicanos. El 26 de Marzo de 1996 Ia Liga Mexicana nombro oficialmente en su honor La Academia de Beisbol Alejo Peralta en el Carmen, Nuevo Leon. El verdadero reconocimiento se lo dio el publico, que veia en el, a un aficionado, que irradiaba su pasion dentro y fuera del diamante.