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About The Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame

In the United States, there are Sports Halls of Fame that honor professional and amateur athletes in football, basketball, track, tennis, baseball and other sports. There are also ethnic halls of fame that recognize outstanding athletes from different groups including Italian, Jewish, Irish and blacks to name a few. But, there was not a single sports hall of fame that would recognize, honor and salute the outstanding accomplishments/achievements and contributions of our Latino/Hispanic Sports Heritage not only from the United States but also those who came to this country from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Central and South America and from the vast talent from the Caribbean Islands. The Latin-American International Sports Hall of Fame/Salon de Ia Fama Latinoamericano del Deporte was organized in Laredo, Texas in 1974. At first it was to celebrate, honor and promote local and regional individuals who had excelled at their particular sport but soon it opened the doors to include National and International Professional Athletes. It also recognizes as Sportsman of the Year individuals who continue to preserve and enhance our Latino culture, values and educational opportunities for our youth and who contribute to the betterment of the City of Laredo and South Texas. There have been since its inception an equal recognition of women athletes inductees. It was important to find role models for our youth and the organizers wanted to include all ages, regardless of sex in their programs. The Latin Hall was also created to promote economic development and stimulate business activity in downtown Laredo when local businesses are contracted to provide services to our inductees, their families and guests who visit Laredo during the annual 3-day welcome reception, media luncheon and induction banquet celebration weekend. Through the years. (1975-2014), and with limited amount of funds the organization has, had the opportunity to help the youth of our community with scholarships and other youth activity fundraisers. Plans are to have a Latin Sports International Hall of Fame Museum (downtown) (soon) which will be a first for the United States and to provide clinics (free of charge) to instruct our youth in different sports.


The Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 1975 to recognize individuals with good and proper standing in the community, high morals and values and who have excelled in sports and/or have contributed to the promotion of sports and goodwill in the Latino community.

Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame

47th Annual Induction Banquet

Francisco Lopez

Latino Baseball Ambassador
Rep. Dominicana/New York
1960's- 1980's

Francisco Lopez llego a los Estados Unidos en el año 1960. En 1963, comenzo a trabajar en
el Hotel Commodore de !a calle 42 en !a Ciudad de Nueva York. En este hotel se hospedaban
varies equipos de las grandes Iigas.
Los equipos visitantes en aquellos aiios empezaban a contra tar pcloteros Latinos y !a mayorfa
de estos jovenes jugadores nunca habian estado afuera de su pais natal. Lopez se hizo amigo
de ellos y les explicaba Ia cultura, las costumbres y las comidas americanas.
Los peloteros representaban a los siguientes equipos: Filis de Filadelfia, Piratas de Pittsburgh,
Gigantes de San Francisco, Cardenales de San Luis y Orioles de Baltimore. )ugadores de los
Yanquis y Mets de Nueva York tambien se alojaban alli.
Con muchos de ellos cultiv6 una amistad muy hermosa por su cuidado particular con el
que trataba a cada tmo de ellos como fueron Roberto Clemente, Bobby Bonds, Willie Mays, Manny Sanguillen, Willie McCovey, Mickey
Mantle y otros super-estrellas del beisbol grande.
Cuando los partidos eran en Ia tarde, Lopez invitaba a los peloteros Latinos a cenar a su casa don de su esposa, Minerva, les preparaba
alimentos de su pais natal y habia veces que los jugadores se quedaban a dormir alii.
Lopez tuvo el honor de ser huesped de los hermanos Alou cuando por primera vez en Ia historia de las Iigas grandes jugaron tres
hermanos en el mismo juego. Felipe en right field, Mateo en centro y Jesus en left field. Los Gigantes contra los Mets en este juego hist6rico
en los Polo Grounds.
Hoy, mantiene una amistad familiar con Juan Marichal, el pitcher super-estrella de los Gigantes de San Francisco. Mariachal bautiz6 a
Madeline Lopez, su hija.
Lopez es hombre de negocios en Laredo, Texas donde ha radicado desde 1986.